Traveling the Mojave Road

Mojave Road Plaque

Since Claudia and I returned to the States from Baja, I’ve been a bit obsessed with finding “interesting” off-pavement routes for us to travel. We spent some time in California’s Mojave National Preserve last winter and I saw the Mojave Road outlined on the map, but I didn’t realize how interesting and important the route was until I came across the website this past summer.

Continue reading Traveling the Mojave Road

Traveling The Great Southern Overland Stage Route of 1849

Disclaimer: The route described hereafter may not, currently, be legal to travel and if it is legal to travel, may not be wise to travel. In addition, any laws that may have been broken, if they were broken, were broken unintentionally and would not have been broken if their existence was known prior to the breaking. Finally, any actions, thoughts of actions, and specifically descriptions of actions, described hereafter may contain sarcasm, attempts at humor and exaggerations of the truth and may not accurately portray the experience and wise thinking of the travelers involved. Now please read on.

Continue reading Traveling The Great Southern Overland Stage Route of 1849

Off the Beaten Track in Baja Part 2

From La Paz Back to Ciudad Constitucion

Over the Mountains to Los Barriles

First off, if you haven’t read Part 1, the USA border to La Paz, you can read it here. To start Part 2 off, we head east out of La Paz on Mex 286 towards the town of San Juan de los Planes. Just east of San Juan de los Planes the highway makes a sharp turn to the left, but for a more exciting route, just continue straight onto the dusty track that heads up into the Sierra la Gata.

Continue reading Off the Beaten Track in Baja Part 2

Off The Beaten Track in Baja Part 1

The USA Border to La Paz

Off Road in Baja

I’ll admit it, spending the winter in Baja California, Mexico was Claudia’s idea and I really wasn’t too excited about it, at first. That is until I started looking at maps and seeing all the great off-road tracks to out of the way place’s and remote camping spots we can have all to ourselves. Many, if not most travelers stick to the main highways and only deviate to a few well known destinations. While this option leads to some interesting areas and great sights, it’s not the route we are looking for.

Continue reading Off The Beaten Track in Baja Part 1